Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Lord Krishna explains the nature of reality (tatva), the ultimate spiritual goal (purusharatha), and the means of attainment (hita). |
Amar Chitra Katha | Comic book of Krishna's Life |
Little Krishna | Animated cartoon of Lord Krishna's childhood. |
Mahabharat TV Series (1988) | |
Meera (1979) | मेरे तो गिरिधर गोपाल दूसरा न कोई (Giridhar Gopal is mine, there is no one else) |
Ashtabharya | Rukhmini Piratti (பிராட்டி), Satyabhama பிராட்டி, Kalindi பிராட்டி, Bhadra பிராட்டி, Jambavati பிராட்டி, Nagnajiti பிராட்டி, Mitravinda பிராட்டி, Lakshmana பிராட்டி |
Three things | Lord Krishna says that His devotees will be three things:
साधु (९-३०), धर्मात्मा (९-३१), महात्मा (७-१९). Sadhu, Dharmatma, Mahatma. |
Chronology of the Mahabaratha | "Kaliyug started on Pramadi Chaitra Bright 1st day, Friday (BC 3102-2-20) at 2-27-30 P.M. " |
GOD | Generation, Operation, Destruction. Shristi, stiti, samhaara सृष्टि, स्थिति, सम्हार |
Gita-Upanishad | The Bhagavad Gita is considered as the written Word of God. The Gita is part of the Mahabharata, an epic written by Veda Vyasa. Epics belong to the category of Ithihasas. Vedic literature (shastra) consists of shruthi (eternal authorless sounds perceived by the sages), ithihasas (epics), puranas, and prabhandam. Shruthi (Vedas) are considered the final authority on truth and even higher than Bhagavan's words in the Gita. |
Ahimsa Paramo Dharma | Non-violence is the ultimate dharma. |
Svaruupa- Niruupaka-Dharma-s | The five determining characteristics that makes
Bhagavaan Sri-KrishNa (Sriman-NaaraayaNa), the Parama-Purusha:
Sathyathva: no change in His natural & essential svaruupa & svabhaava;
Jnaanathva: Self-Effulgence with knowledge of everything in all Universes;
Ananthathva: free from limitations of space, time & form (their extensions);
Aanandhathva: abode of unlimited Bliss (beyond grasp of mind & words); and
Amalathva: only one without any imperfections (and no one else). |
Gopaala Vimshati | Sri Krishna Desika Jeeyar says that Sri Krishna likes Gopaala Vimshati. |