கேரளா தியாramaகேரளா தியா
Animated RamayanaAnimated movie of the the Ramayana.
Om Apadamapahartaram Dataram Sarvasampadam। Lokabhiramam Shriramam Bhuyo-Bhuyo Namamyaham॥I bow repeatedly to Sri Rama, the one who is most beautiful in the world, the one who wards off sorrow and gives wealth to devotees.
PurusarthasFour principle quests for every soul: kama (desire that is permitted by dharma), artha (material wealth), dharma (duty as per caste and station in life), moksha (renunciation and saranaagathi)
Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama."If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow."